Other Resources : Fistula Care Country Specific Tools :
Estimating Costs to Provide Fistula Services in Nigeria and Ethiopia: Key Findings
This summary of studies carried out in Nigeria and Ethiopia introduces a cost analysis tool to assist facility managers in assessing the costs for fistula repair services, which could then help them make decisions about resource allocation. Measuring, understanding, and documenting the costs of services can help managers improve the cost-efficiency of services and demonstrate funding needs to facilities, governments, and donors. Analyzing financial inputs is an important step in increasing the institutional and financial sustainability of fistula services.
Files: English (PDF,
297KB) and French (PDF, 311KB)
Job Aid: Fistula Diagnosis
This job aid assists health care providers to diagnose obstetric fistula in women who present with urine leakage. It contains a list of questions aimed at accurately diagnosing whether the woman has obstetric fistula, whether she requires surgical repair, and the complexity of the repair. It also provides advice for preparing for obstetric fistula repairs. A chart with this information is also available.
Files: English (PDF, 231KB) and French (PDF, 228KB)
Job Aid: Fistula Diagnosis Poster
This poster assists health care providers to diagnose obstetric fistula in women who present with urine leakage. It contains a list of questions aimed at accurately diagnosing whether the woman has obstetric fistula, whether she requires surgical repair, and the complexity of the repair. It also provides advice for preparing for obstetric fistula repairs. A brochure with this information is also available.
Files: English (PDF, 766KB), French (PDF, 831KB), and Bangla (PDF, 225KB)
Training Session for Health Workers on Prevention and Recognition from Ethiopia
Fistula Care's implementing partner in Ethiopia, IntraHealth International, has developed materials to train health care workers on obstetric fistula prevention, identification, and pre-repair care. The course contains a participant handbook, a facilitator manual, 10 modules, a variety of visual aids, and supplementary handouts. (All items are in English.)
- Facilitator Manual (PDF, 797KB)
- Participant Handbook (PDF, 604KB)
- All 10 module presentations (English, PDF, 3.3MB) and Module 4's Cards for Facilitators (English, PDF, 69KB)