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Photograph of Fistula Patients

Other Resources :

World Health Organization

Obstetric Fistula: Guiding Principles for Clinical Management and Programme Development
This World Health Organization (WHO) publication provides an overview of and guidance on the development of national fistula programs and strategies and basic principles for caring for women undergoing obstetric fistula repair, including clinical and surgical care, nursing, physiotherapy, and social reintegration.
Links: English and French



© 2013 EngenderHealth.

This resource was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), under the terms of the cooperative agreement GHS-A-00-07-00021-00. The information provided on this resource is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the USAID or the U.S. Government.