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Engendering Quality : Ongoing Quality Improvement :

Resources & Tools

Curricula and Modules

Counseling the Obstetric Fistula Client: A Training Curriculum
Counseling is an integral part of comprehensive fistula care services. The curriculum guides nurses, midwives, and physicians to help their clients make informed and voluntary decisions about their care. The curriculum addresses counseling needs related to fistula prevention, treatment, and social reintegration. Service providers can also find information about how to engage with the client’s family and how to link the client to supportive organizations in the community.
Files: English (PDF, 2.5MB) and French (PDF, 2.8MB)

Counseling the Traumatic Fistula Client: A Supplement to the Obstetric Fistula Counseling Curriculum
Clients seeking care for traumatic fistula—fistula caused by sexual assault—need access to counseling that addresses the complex effects of their condition. This supplement complements the counseling curriculum to address the physical, social, and psychological impacts specific to traumatic fistula. The supplement also provides information on how health care providers working with traumatic fistula clients can seek support for themselves.
Files: English (PDF, 3.2MB) and French (PDF, 3.2MB)

Facilitative Supervision for Quality Improvement: A Curriculum
This curriculum, developed by the ACQUIRE Project, focuses on the fundamentals of quality health care services in presenting an approach to supervision that emphasizes mentoring, joint problem solving, and two-way communication. The curriculum is meant to be used by trainers who introduce the facilitative approach to supervision to supervisors from different levels of the health system: on-site and off-site supervisors, including medical and nonmedical supervisors.
Trainer's Manual: English (PDF, 3.2MB)
Participant Handbook: English (PDF, 885KB)

Data for Decision Making in Fistula Care: A Supplemental Module for Facilitative Supervision
In keeping with its commitment to quality improvement, Fistula Care promotes the use of data for decision making. This series of training modules provides clinical supervisors, service providers, and national-level stakeholders with skills to review and interpret data in order to strengthen health systems and services. The document includes guides for discussion and interactive activities, as well as handouts and other tools to teach lessons about data gathering, analysis, and application. The modules supplement EngenderHealth’s facilitative supervision tools, which emphasize team problem solving and communication.
Files: English (PDF, 2.8MB) and French (PDF, 2.6MB)


Fistula Facilitative Supervision and Clinical Monitoring for Service Delivery
This checklist facilitates the supervision and monitoring of fistula repair service delivery. Forms include: Facility Information; Fistula Service Delivery at Facility; Monitoring of Counseling Services; Notes from Client Interviews; and Summary Notes and Recommendations from the Supervision and Monitoring Visit.
Files: English (PDF, 409KB) and French (PDF, 383KB)

Fistula Facilitative Supervision and Clinical Monitoring Supplement: For Training Site and for Training Follow-Up
This checklist facilitates the supervision and monitoring of training activities relating to fistula services provision. Forms include: Facility Information; Training Follow-Up for Fistula Surgery and Perioperative Care; Training Follow-Up for Fistula Counselors; Additional Supervision/Monitoring for a Fistula Training Site; and Summary Notes and Recommendations from the Supervision and Monitoring Visit.
Files: English (PDF, 324KB) and French (PDF, 320KB)

Medical Waste Management Compliance Checklist
This checklist facilitates annual monitoring of medical waste management at Fistula Care–supported sites.
Files: English (PDF, 496KB) and French (PDF, 552KB)

© 2013 EngenderHealth.

This resource was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), under the terms of the cooperative agreement GHS-A-00-07-00021-00. The information provided on this resource is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the USAID or the U.S. Government.