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Photograph of Fistula Patients

Transformation des vies :

L’histoire de Mattu


Mattu came to the Aberdeen Fistula Centre in Sierra Leone just one month after delivering her stillborn child. When she had problems with her labor, she was taken on the back of a motorbike from her remote village to the nearest hospital. Not only did Mattu have to deal with the pain of losing her baby, but she also developed an obstetric fistula from her prolonged labor. Mattu said that the worst thing about the fistula was the physical pain of warm urine on her broken-down skin and not knowing if it would ever be cured.

Thankfully, she did not have to wait long for her surgery, and now she is able to return to her life on her family’s palm oil plantation with her 4-year-old daughter.




© 2013 EngenderHealth. Photo: C. Ching/Fistula Care/EngenderHealth.

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