When she was 20 years old, Precious was taken by rebels and was forced to become the commander’s girlfriend. She was eventually let go, however, and during her travels to try to find her way back home, she became friends with a woman who took care of her. A month or two after she began living with the woman, it became obvious that Precious was pregnant.
When the time came to deliver, the woman took her to the local hospital, but there was no doctor present. Precious was in labor for three days and was unable to give birth until after the baby died. The midwife sat on her stomach for five hours to push the baby out.
After the delivery, Precious started leaking urine.
Eventually, Precious made her way back to her home town in Liberia and was reunited with her parents. They took good care of her and did not abandon her. Precious was angry and felt like committing suicide, but her mother counseled and prayed with her until her state of mind improved.
Precious’s brother told her about Mercy Ships, and Precious came soon after and had successful fistula repair surgery. Her words say it all: “I thank God for the Mercy Ship family, and all they are doing to help women and girls in situations like this. I give God the glory and praise!”