Infection Prevention: It Takes a Village!

Infection prevention (IP) and medical waste management (MWM) is a critical component of quality health services. IP and MWM involves the entire health system, every person working at a health facility plays a role in good hygiene that includes clinical as well as non-clinical staff such as cleaning staff, security guards and ambulance drivers. Since it is one of the few services that touch every part of a health facility, the Fistula Care Plus (FC+) project often uses it as a starting point for quality improvement with partner facilities.

Fistula Care Plus Profile in Nigerian Newspaper

The Fistula Care Plus team is pleased to share an article which was published in December in Leadership, one of Nigeria’s national newspapers. The article features information about vesicovaginal fistula (VVF), a summary of the work of Fistula Care and Fistula Care Plus in Nigeria and quotes from our own Dr. Adamu Isah. You can access […]

Data for Decision Making

The field of obstetric fistula has historically lacked common definitions and data for measuring needs and outcomes. The USAID-funded, EngenderHealth-led projects Fistula Care and Fistula Care Plus have undertaken collaborative indicator development, introduced standardized data collection at health facilities, and promoted the integration of fistula indicators into national health management information systems (HMIS) to enable continued measurement and support for fistula treatment services. In keeping with its commitment to quality improvement, Fistula Care Plus also works to promote the use of data for decision making at the health care facility, within local governance and at the national level.

It’s all about the women!

It’s all about the women! Support for Togolese Women from a Myriad of Partners
One of the greatest pleasures of my work as director of the FC+ project is to recognize that amidst so many world challenges, there are individuals and groups who care deeply about women, their reproductive health, and their future. Today as I write this message, Dr. Kindy Diallo, an eminent and highly skilled surgeon from Guinea, a country racked by Ebola in some parts, is in Sokodé, Togo working in partnership with Togolese surgeons, providing life-changing surgery to 100 women with obstetric fistula.