Good Practices Shared at WAHO Forum in Burkina Faso

On July 29th, over 300 delegates from development partners throughout the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) region met in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso for the first WAHO Good Practices Forum. Six representatives from Fistula Care Plus were among the attendees, representing FC+ West Africa/Niger, FC+ Nigeria, and our global technical team.

A new index to measure the quality of facility-based labor and delivery care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Over the past decade, we have seen a profound shift in the use of maternal health services. Even in the poorest countries, more women are delivering in health facilities—an estimated 64% of women in developing countries (and 51% of women in the 69 poorest countries) gave birth in facilities in 2012. But getting women into health facilities is not enough.

Strong Legacy, New Leadership at Fistula Care Plus

EngenderHealth is pleased to share the news that Dr. Lauri Romanzi has joined the Fistula Care Plus team, taking over the key position of Project Director from the beloved Karen Beattie. We would like to warmly welcome Dr. Romanzi to Fistula Care Plus and look forward to her leadership as the project moves forward!

Ending Preventable Maternal Mortality – Bridges to Morbidity Reduction

As we enter the post-MDG world, with the newly-drafted Sustainable Development Goals in hand, the recent launch of the Strategies toward Ending Preventable Maternal Mortality (EPMM) strategy paper at the World Health Assembly is an important moment for the maternal health and global health communities. The EPMM paper lays out five strategic objectives to guide programs working toward EPMM, as well as several cross-cutting actions that support this goal. It is important to remember that many averted maternal deaths may still result in maternal morbidity, including severe and/or chronic conditions.