New Resource Advances Safe Surgery for Women Affected by Fistula

April 18, 2017—NEW YORK, NY. EngenderHealth’s Fistula Care Plus project has published an important new resource, The Fistula Care Plus Surgical Safety Toolkit, which will advance safe surgical practices and improve health outcomes for women affected by fistula. Accompanying the toolkit is an orientation video produced by Medical Aid Films that shows the ease of […]

A New Film about Safety in Fistula Surgery

Original blog post can be found on the Medical Aid Films website. Obstetric fistula is one of the most devastating and serious injuries that can occur during childbirth. It affects between 50,000 and 100,000 women each year, mainly in low-income countries, and it is estimated that more than 2 million women live with untreated fistula […]

2016 In Review

2016 brought the Fistula Care Plus (FC+) project to the end of its third year. With only two years left in the project, it is an exciting time to review progress and push forward to ensure the best possible results. This year, USAID supported fistula treatment and prevention services through the FC+ project in six […]